GOV.UK - Driver & Vehicle Standards Agency - Theory Test Booking Website

GOV.UK is the United Kingdom public sector official information and services platform. I was contracted to Learndirect working within a large team of developers, testers and analysts, developing the Driver & Vehicle Standards Agency’s public vehicle Theory Test Booking website. I implemented the front-end toolkit maintaining’s UI/UX recommendations, style guide and design patterns, providing the UI for Learndirect’s Java architecture.
Working in an Agile and Version Controlled (Git) environment required me to attend daily meetings, regularly presenting the current and new functionality and flow of the project to the dev team and other stakeholders involved, providing answers in meetings and on a day-to-day basis with DVSA officials and project leads, liaising directly with DVSA members where necessary, and also with Government Digital Service Designers via Slack channels on integrating already established design patterns where possible.
During development I attended user testing sessions at DVSA’s testing lab in Swansea, where eye-tracking software and video were used to record both able bodied and visually impaired testing candidates, some of whom did not speak english as their first language. After analysing the results, we adjusted our flows and layout accordingly.
The project also had to go through Government Digital Service assessment with the GDS design team. During this assessment at the GDS headquarters at Aviation House in London, I presented the site and explained the reasons we made decisions along the way. I had excellent feedback from this presentation and was highly encouraged to be further involved in the Government Digital Service Designers discussion forums by the team.
I developed learning in the following areas: Grunt processes, installing Ruby gems, Git, running rails apps and working in very large teams including outsouced members.
This project was developed concurrently alongside the NIdirect version of the project, more information about that project here.
Agile Workflow / Git / Bootstrap / Jquery / Javascript / CSS / HTML